
大家DIY系列教材 : 親子识字卡





今天,经过多年的印证,大家成功幼教DIY课程 所推广的 親子识字卡



并由专家在DVD影片中现身细说教法,终于一举揭开幼儿都能成为天才之 “谜。


孩子在0-6岁,是学习认字能力超强的黄金期 。错过了这段黄金早期








教学方法必须公开,教材价格必须合理。为了达到大家都能成功教育孩子,我们除了在全国各婴儿专卖店摆售产品,代理在展销会上介绍;更实行“家长告诉家长” 的方法,由广大的家长们介绍给亲友。大家齐心推广,使我们国家的未来,达到0%文盲,个个都是人才的和谐社会。





我爱 华语(一) M 1

M1 - Price : = RM 50.00
Card Size: 31.4 cm X 23..3 cm

60 张大字卡

家庭成员 : 爸爸 妈妈 公公 婆婆 姐姐 妹妹 哥哥 弟弟
身体部分 : 头 鼻子 耳朵 脚 手 脸 眼睛 嘴巴 牙齿
动词 : 爬 跑 哭 吃饭 睡觉 走 跳 笑 喝水
动物 : 鸡 猫 鸟 鸭 羊 狗 牛 马 象
大自然 : 太阳 星星 海 花 树 月亮 山 河 草
家居用品 : 门 窗 风扇 球 玩具 桌子 椅子 电视 衣服
形容词 : 大 高 胖 快 小 矮 瘦


我愛华语 (2)

- Price : RM 70.00

Card size: 23.3 cm x 15.7 cm


120 张字卡

动作 : 唱歌 跳舞 拍球 找 坐 站 开 关 喊 洗澡 刷牙 喜欢 游戏 扫地 帮忙 起身 数一数 猜一猜 看一看 说话 拍手 踢 哈哈笑 一同走 爱 再见 听

造句用词: 这是 那是 和 你 我 他 我们 也 有 来 去 不 会 是

词汇 : 身体 圆形 汽车 正方形 火车 蛋糕 木板 肉 米 公园 运动 蚂蚁 蟑螂 跑步 鞋子 布 早上 晚上

蔬果类 : 木瓜 西瓜 青菜 香蕉 水果 红毛丹

校园里 : 学校 校长 老师 同学 上学去 学生 画画 读书 包 尺 铅笔 儿童 黑板 教室 剪刀 纸 排队

形容词 : 多 少 清洁 和气 开心 可爱 甜 新 旧 左 右 上 下 干净 美丽 强壮 快乐 生病 好 高兴

颜色 : 蓝 橙 白 黄 红 黑

量词 : 一朵花 一件衣 一个橙 一本书 一只熊 一场雨

动物篇 : 老虎 狮子 兔 蜜蜂 蝴蝶


我爱华文(三)( M3 〕

RM 70.00
120 张字卡

其中60 张

Card size : 23.3 cm x 15.7 cm

木板 了不起 聪明 糖果 赛跑 健康 朋友 蜡烛 看见 伤心 忘记 热闹整齐 漂亮 跳绳 肮脏 孝顺 白沙发 难过 新鲜 保护 努力 舞狮 年糕 风景 煮饭 稻田 营养 奇怪 影子 勤劳 比赛 表演 骄傲 翅膀 风筝 顽皮 空气 草原 散步 交通灯 讨厌 安全 危险 便宜 大猩猩 肚子饿 尾巴 休息 谢谢你 别客气


Card size: 31.3 cm x 11.5 cm

唐诗 : 床前明月光 疑是地上霜 举头望明月 低头思故乡

句子 : 红红的太阳 蓝蓝的天空 绿油油的草地 椰树长的高 一片树叶 一块木板 一棵小树 一朵红花 待人要有礼貌 外公到河边钓鱼 外婆喜欢吃水果 我的玩具 翘翘板,真好玩 我们天天冲凉 他喜欢画画 我爱我的家 鱼在水中游 蝴蝶真美丽 弟弟真可爱 青色的铅笔 红色的书包 牛羊在吃草 小鸟会飞 他有一双鞋子 早睡早起身体好 外公在菜园里种菜 猴子喜欢吃香蕉 狮子喜欢吃肉 爸爸在洗车 我爱妈妈 我也爱爸爸 公园里 ,花儿开 妹妹的牛奶 弟弟喜欢吃面包 小鸟飞得高 马儿跑得快 姐姐在写字 哥哥的鞋子 我们的小狗 婆婆在喝水 小猫喜欢吃鱼 猴子爱爬树 公公在看报纸 我爱读书 我自己穿衣 用餐前 ,先洗手 我们在玩游戏 请你把门关上 大象的鼻子长 圆圆的月亮


我爱成语 ( M4

Price : RM 80.00

120 张成语字卡

Card size: 31.3 cm x 11.5 cm

夜不闭户 随机应变 迷途知返 骑虎难下 破镜重圆 以身作则 兵不厌诈 一代楷模 模棱两可 失而复得 目不识丁 抛砖引玉 齐心协力 乘虚而入 金蝉脱壳 一笔勾销 顺水推舟 兔死狐悲 息事宁人 八面威风 苦口婆心 恻隐之心 一日千里 一箭双雕 一毛不拔 一鸣惊人 一窍不通 一身是胆 一丝不苟 一字千金 一字之师 一鼓作气 入木三分 九牛一毛 千钧一发 大公无私 大材小用 亡羊补牢 专心致志 井底之蛙 车水马龙 开天辟地 开卷有益 天真烂漫 不耻下问 不学无术 不翼而飞 不远千里 手不释卷 水滴穿石 水落石出 水深火热 相敬如宾 打草惊蛇 东山再起 叶公好龙 四面楚歌 乐极生悲 对牛弹琴 老马识途 百发百中 赴汤蹈火 名落孙山 后来居上 杀一儆百 自相矛盾 汗马功劳 江郎才尽 守株待兔 精忠报国 如鱼得水 约法三章 亦步亦趋 邯郸学步 两败俱伤 赤膊上阵 走马看花 投笔从戎 呆若木鸡 改过自新 囫囵吞枣 近水楼台 返老还童 兵贵神速 完璧归赵 玩物丧志 画龙点睛 画饼充饥 画蛇添足 拔苗助长 丧家之犬 狐假虎威 歧路亡羊 取长补短 卧薪尝胆 盲人摸象 刻舟求剑 空中楼阁 指鹿为马 闻鸡起舞 怒发冲冠 班门弄斧 破釜沉舟 笑里藏刀 信口开河 愚公移山 胸有成竹 高山流水 纸上谈兵 趾高气扬 掩耳盗铃 悬梁刺股 程门立雪 逼上梁山 朝三幕四 凿壁偷光 滥芋充数 熟能生巧 磨杵成针 柳暗花明




RM 98.

60 篇文章,713 张单字卡


排排坐 吃果果, 你一个, 我一个, 妹妹睡了, 留一个。


外婆桥 摇呀摇,摇到外婆桥, 外婆夸我好宝宝。 问我爸爸好不好? 问我妈妈好不好? 摇呀摇,摇到外婆桥, 外婆叫我夸我好宝宝, 送我糖一包,果一包, 还有山竹和香蕉。


小白兔 小白兔,白又白, 两只耳朵竖起来。 小白兔,白又白, 爱吃萝卜爱吃菜。 小白兔,白又白, 跑起路来真叫快。


人人见了都欢喜 不梳头, 不洗脸, 没有人会看上眼。 梳一梳, 洗一洗, 人人见了都欢喜。


咏鹅 鹅鹅鹅, 曲项向天歌。 白毛浮绿水, 红掌拨清波。

加上 713 张单字卡

(一) 排 坐 吃 果 你 一 个 我 妹 睡 了 留 (12 individual cards)

(二) 摇 呀 到 外 婆 桥 夸 好 宝 糖 包 香 蕉 (13 indivual cards)

(三) 跑 起 路 真 叫 快 小 白 兔 又 两 只 耳 朵 竖 来 爱 卜 菜(19)

(四) 人 见 都 欢 喜 梳 头 洗 脸 没 有 看 上 眼 会 (15)

(五) 咏 鹅 曲 项 向 天 歌 毛 浮 绿 水 红 掌 拨 青

(六) 哈 巴 狗 蹲 在 大 门 口 黑 黝 想 完 肉 骨 尾 点(16)

(七) 蝴 蝶 飞 追 远 啦 不 过 竹 篱 笆 变 成 花(14)

(八) 二 三 四 五 指 老 虎 打 松 鼠 几 数(12)


I Love English (1) E1

RM 70.00

Card size : 31.3 cm x 11.5 cm

128 card

The people = gardener / police / postman / doctor / nurse / farmer / barber My family member = father / mother / brother / sister / baby / grandfather grandmother / uncle / aunty / family

The animals = dog / cat / chicken / duck / bird / fish / cow / tiger / horse / elephant / snake / lion / mouse / monkey / rabbit / frog Descriptions = big / tall / small / short / fat / thin

The actions = drink / eat / take / stand / sit /walk / open / close / write / read put / pick / come / go / sing / talk / jump / laugh / cry / swim run

Colour = white / black / yellow / red / green / blue

Things in the classroom= chair / table / bag / ruler / pencil / book / eraser / pen / door / window / dustbin / rubbish / teacher / boy / girl / school / canteen Parts of the body = mouth / ear / head / nose / hand / leg / neck / hair / foot / arm stomach / finger / toes / body / teeth / eye

Things in the house = radio / television / spoon / plate / cup / bowl toilet / bed / towel / knife Food and drinks = orange / banana / papaya / rice / bread / noodles / biscuits / water / apple / tea / coffee / meat


I Love English 2 ( E2)

E2 - Price : RM 70.00
Card size : 31.3 cm x 11.5 cm

128 card

Daily necessities = fork / soap / toothbrush / chopsticks / mirror/ clock / pillow / cupboard / key / fan / lamp / umbrella

Places = market / supermarket / bank / office / car park / hospital / clinic / hotel zoo / living room / dining room / bedroom / bathroom / kitchen

Action = fly / climb / clap / cut /sleep / comb/ push/ pull / play / swim cook / wash

Adjectives = new / old / pretty / ugly / happy / sad / fast / slow / left / right / on / under / in / out / behind / beside / near / far

Numbers = one/ two / three/ four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten

Days of the week = Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday

Months of the year = January / February / March / April / May / June / July / August / September / October / November / December /

Nature =ocean /land / sky / outer /space / lake / river / sea / forest / hill / mountain /

Shapes = circle / oval / triangle / square / crescent / star // diamond / rectangle /

Food and drinks = cake / chocolate / watermelon / sweets / vegetable / milk mangosteen / butter/

Clothing and accessories = hat / shirt / skirt/ socks / shoes / cap/

People = headmaster / teacher / pupil / hawker / dentist / clerk / manager / soldier / driver / lawyer / daddy / mummy


I Love English 3

( E3 ) - Price : RM 80.00

Card size : 39.37 cm x 17.78cm

80 card

I have a teacher / as busy as a bee / I love daddy/ what do you want? / clap your hands / I want to learn/ newspaper advertisements / Happy New Year / young green leaves / may I rest ? / the baby is cute / milk tastes sweet / carry your school bag / good afternoon / water is precious / go to kindergarten / I like to play with my toys / rain or shine /don’t touch the kettle / watch out for cars / what’s your name ?/ raining cats and dog / mummy is at work /play at the playground / I like that kite / sea water is cool / drink your milk / the sofa is soft please keep quiet /listen to the music / / the elephant has a long trunk / I like to swim / water the plants / I enjoy learning / pick up the toys / what is the time now ? / comb your hair. / feed the fishs / you are clever /brush your teeth / I drive a car. / the egg is oval. /this box is square / Reading the story books. / do not disturb ! / wash my face. / draw an apple / wear my shirt /mummy and daddy / love your teacher / cup and saucer / out of the blue /as slow as a snail / playing is fun / how old are you / open the door /I love mummy / mirrors reflect light / slow and steady / an ice-cream cone / love one another / not to worry /ride a bicycle / I am hammering / we read story books. / daddy plants trees. / kick the ball ./ I am helpful ./ everybody loves me / mummy cooks vegetables. / How tall are you ? / row the boat /draw pictures. /shut the door. / Food helps you grow ./ see you again ! / I love my room. / I feel fine ./ pretty clothes ./ how are you today? .


Peter & Jane Flash Card (E4)

RM 80.00

Card size : 23.4 cm x 10.5cm

180 card

A / a / about / after / afternoon / again / all / an / and / apple / are / as / ask /at /away/ B / bag / ball / be / bed / big / boat / boy / boys / brother / bus / but / by / C / cake / cakes / can / car / cat / chair / chairs / children / come / comes / cows / D / daddy / danger / do / dog / down draw / E /eat / F / farm / fire / fish / five / flowers / for / from / fun / G / game / games / get / girls / give / go / going / good / H / had / has / hat / have / he / help / helps / her / here / him / hill / his / home / horse / house / how / I / I / in / into / is / it / J / Jane / jump / K / keep / know / L / let / like / likes / little / look / M / make / man / me / men / milk / money / more / Mummy / must / my / N / no / not / now / O/of / off / on / one / or / other / our / out / P / pat / Peter / pigs / play / please / police / pull / puts / R / rabbits / read / red / run / S /said / saw / says / school / sea / seat/ see / sees / she / shop / sister / sit / so / some / soon / station / stop / street / sun / sweets / T / takes/ talk / tea / thank / that / the / them / then / there / they / things / this / to / top / toy / toys / train / tree / two / U /up / us / W / walk / want / was / water / we / what/ where / which / who / will / wind / with / work / write / Y /yes / you /



- Price : RM 70.00

Card size : 31.3 cm x 11.5cm

120 card

grey elephant / wishing well / funny nose / blow bubbles / hard rock / sore throat /long buses / to and fro / discounted items / biting insects / Red centipedes / spider web / hairy arachnids / green leaves / short pencil / come again / machine made / sea shells / pleasing child / good joke /coconut palm / angsana tree / yellow banana / tall trees / thin bamboo / love grass / waste money /save water / clean room / lovely place / loving mother / speaking doll / story books / leather handbag / twenty cents / take away / cough drops / sharp knife / my instep / painful boll / round belly / hind legs / winter coats / spring water / tiny bables / super reader / breakneck speed / blue whale / reading aloud creative mind / coffee cup / angry man / chilli red / chilli sauce / green pepper / tasty meal / hot spring /cold water / untidy room /burning fire / fighting fish / colour print /come here / black sheep / new cap / clean face / colourful wallpaper / Start button / hold on / wait here / sharp point / your teacher / next week / great man / tennis elbow / plus two / broken glass / golf course / low tide / top secret / removal sale / smelly shoes / taste buds / went up / my daddy / your mummy / new year / well wishers / come true / sleepy eyes / close shave /relaxing time / breathe in / smart move / quick steps / early birds / watch out / looking glass / loud mouth / helpful hands / golden hair / barking dogs / sweet home /cosy coner / machine parts / long neck / calm seas / harbour seal /sailing boat / ten o’clock / news programme / queen bee / three cheers / hurry up / bath water / pardon me / sliding door / round basketball / mild stomachache / sore thumb



Maths Dot Kit ( MDK)
- Price :RM 98.00
Total:132 card

Red dots card=50 pcs (22cm x 22 cm)
Symbol card=16 pcs (22cm x 22 cm)
Araeic numbers card=50 pcs ( 11cm x 11cm )
Symbol card=16 pcs ( 11cm x 11cm )

共有 132 张

红点卡 1 到50 点 = 50 张 (22cm x 22 cm)
符号卡 + - X * < >=16 张 (22cm x 22 cm )
小数字卡 1 2 3 … 50 =50 张 ( 11cm x 11cm )
小符号卡 + - X * < >=16 张( 11cm x 11cm )


我爱国语 (一) BM 1

Bahasa Malaysia (1)

RM 70.00

card size : 31.3 cm x 11.5 cm

1 2 0 KAD Imbasan

Keluarga saya : bapa /emak / abang / kakak / adik / datuk / nenek /lelaki/ Perempuan

Pekerjaan : polis / posmen / tentera /doctor / jururawat / guru / petani /murid

Warna : putih / hitam / kuning / merah / hijau / biru / ungu/

Buah -buahan : epal / oren / pisang / betik / rambutan / durian / nanas /

Makanan dan minuman : nasi / roti / daging / telur / sayur /air /

Binatang : kucing / anjing / ayam / itik / burung / ikan / lembu / kambing / kuda / arnab /angsa / harimau / singa / gajah / ular / monyet / beruang /

Pengangkutan : van / kereta / basikal / teksi / motosikal / lori / bas /

Sekolah : meja / kerusi / beg / pembaris / pensel / buku / pintu / tingkap / sekolah / kantin /

Badan saya : mata / hidung / mulut / telinga / kepala / tangan / kaki / dahi / gigi / jari / dada / bahu / lutut / pipi / siku / rambut /

Perkakas di dalam rumah : cerek / kipas / gelas / cawan / berus / almari / lampu / tandas / pisau / radio / televisyen / sabun / tuala .

Perbuatan : minum / makan / berdiri / duduk / jalan /lari / buka / tutup / tulis / baca / angkat / letak / datang / pergi / nyanyi/ cakap / lompat / ketawa / menangis / berenang.


Suku Kata Bahasa Malaysia

(S K B M )

RM 98.0

338 card

card size: 15.3 cm x 11.5 cm

sa ya a pi ju ru ca wan




价格 : RM 70.00

图卡有600 张, 相同图片的黏纸( Sticker ) 也有600 张.

SIZE:5cm x 4.4 cm

总共有1200 .

用以配合 M1, M2, M3, E1, E2, BM1 识字卡,进行识字游戏活动.







亲子黑白卡 120

价格 RM 60.00
size:31.4 cm x23 cm

全套60张,两面印 ,一面白看黑 ,一面黑看白 , 共120 个图片,


For more detail, please visit:


字卡订购表 ORDER form

Item 名 稱
Description 價 格
unit Price
( RM ) 數 量
(Set) 銀額
1 M1 50.00
2 M2 70.00
3 M3 70.00
4 M4 80.00
5 M5 98.00.
6 Mini M1 (mm1) 25.00
7 E1 70.00
8 E2 70.00
9 E3 70.00
10 E4 Peter & Jane 80.00
11 E5 EVFC 70.00
12 BM 1 70.00
13 SKBM Sukukata 98.00
14 MDK ( 红点卡 ) 98.00
15 Picture card 600 70.00
16 B & W card 60.00
17 Alphabet A B C 20.00
18 DVD 12.00
19 Colour Flyer(10 pcs) 2.00
20 Delivery fees


Semenanjung Malaysia 西马
=RM 8.00 for the fist 2 set, and Rm 1.50 for the following each set.
Sabah & Sarawak,Burnai =RM 12.00 per set
Singapore= RM 8.00 per set (minimum RM 50.00 per trip)
Bank Account No:
1) Maybank Berhad:
Da Jia Early Learning Programme
2)Public Bank Berhad
Koh Teng Huat
3)Am Bank
Koh Teng Huat
Koh Teng Huat
5) Eon Bank Berhad
Da Jia Early Learning Programme

黑白卡使用法 Black & White card manual







开始阶段,可以每天让宝宝看一张黑白卡,可任选一张。一天可以看6 - 10次,一次约为30秒。




Dajiadiy Black & White card manual

According to research, new born baby can only see light and shadow. This is the time when they are most attracted to strong contrast of black and white colours.

The function of Dajiadiy Black & White card, is to help baby differentiate light-shadow and black-white, creating colour memory in the brain, speeding up the growth of the vision system and causing the balanced growth of the left and right brains.

Principles in using Black & White card: ensure that the baby is in a happy mood when using, minimize other distractions, stop before the baby is bored about it so to maintain the attractiness of the Black & White card to the baby

Content of Dajiadiy Black & White card

There are 60 cards, printed on both sides, all together 120 pictured cards.
Of which 60 cards are in white backgrounds with black pictures, for baby to see black pictures in white backgrounds. Another 60 cards are in black backgrounds with white pictures, for baby to see white pictures in black backgrounds, giving baby a different visual experience.

Usage instructions:

In the beginning stage, choose one Black & White card randomly, let the baby looks at it. Do so for up to 6-10 times a day, each time for about 30 seconds. Place the card at a distance of about one and a half foot away from the baby.

Environment: ample lighting, lighting should fall on the card, never allow lighting to shoot on the baby's eyes.
When showing the card, tell the picture on the card to the baby with a gentle, clear, loud voice, for example: [horse], [black horse], [white horse].

After a month, increase to 2 cards a day, change to 2 other new cards the next day.

Another month later, can show 3 or more cards a day. Used cards can be reused to strengthen the baby's memory.

By just simply showing the cards, gently telling what are the pictures to the baby, then praise the baby, the baby will feel the love of the parents. Once recognised, they feel the security, this will affect greatly to the growth of a baby.

The Black & White card can be reused forever, there is no expiry date. For older babies, one can use the Black & White card to carry out memory games. For example, letting the baby guess what is the picture behind a card.

Of course, after the completion of Black & White card “training”, the infant should move to the next stage of learning: Word Recognition Flashcards.



将DIY的 [识字卡] 与 [图卡] 结合起来,让孩子在“玩中学,学中玩”的游戏里, 不知不觉中,很快便学会了识字。

1 :认字
给孩子一些图卡,然后爸爸或妈妈拿出字卡,大声念出来.比如说: “牛”,然后让孩子在众多的图卡中,找出 [牛]的图卡。



爸爸与妈妈各站在两边,并出示一张字卡,然后让孩子在许多的图卡中找出与字卡相配的图,交给爸爸或妈妈。若配对了,记得称赞他, 奖励古老师图卡一张。


3 : 摸图配字


4: 钓图配字


5 : 记忆游戏


6 : 谁跑掉了

妈妈可逐渐增加“跑掉” 的图卡,让孩子感到好奇又好玩。

7: 用字卡和图卡造句

先将图卡与字卡排列成一行,父母先示范一遍,看图和字来造句, 说故事,再让孩子和父母亲一同造句, 说故事。

8: 做动作

以动作配合字卡来达到加强孩子对词的印象;比如教 “跳”字,爸妈可以做一个青蛙跳的动作;……等等。凡是动词都可以做相应的动作,以加深孩子对字词的印象。

9 : 装表情



让孩子表演他最喜欢做的游戏,如孩子喜欢当老师,就让他坐到[老师]的位置上,妈妈当学生,这时候教育他读[老师] , [黑板] , [读书] 等字卡,就不会太难。


然而在大家成功幼教DIY 课程,古老师的DIY图卡与字卡,则可任意调动或排列,天马行空地让孩子在游戏中,更好的发展他们的多元智能。


1 多加奖赏与称赞,达到双赢的结果。
2 不要处罚和责备,否则会导致双输。
2 要坚持,不要有“三天打鱼,四天晒网”的心态。




幼儿识字, [大字卡] 才是最有效的。

小图卡贴纸 (sticker)不可以贴在字卡的同一面,必须贴在字卡背面, 因为,若图卡与字卡同时出现在幼儿眼前,孩子的注意力,多数会被图卡所吸引,而达不到识字的效果。

Da Jia DIY Picture Cards.
There are 600 Picture cards, and there are also 600 stickers of identical pictures.

Dajia’s DIY Picture cards is derived from one of the Dajia series product – Tri-Language Word Recognition Flashcards. Picture cards can couple with M1, M2, M3, E1, E2 and BM1 flash card..
Word Recognition Flashcards to run Word Recognition game activities.
It also allows children to recognise words in a more interesting way, training the memory and observation ability ect. The purpose is to ‘learn from playing’. Of course, the most effective way for children to recognise words is to use the Big Word Flashcards.
For children of 2-6 year old, they can play together with their parents, learning and playing at the same time; this can improve the parents-child relationship, and make learning more interesting. Children will have a happy and fruitful childhood.
If combined both the Word Flashcards and the Picture cards, more fun will be added, this will help to enhance their understanding of the words.
Teacher Koh recommends the following word learning games for reference:
1: Word Recognition
Parents will take out a Word Flashcard, for example ‘cow’, read out the word clearly, then ask the child to find out the ‘cow’ Picture card among the cards. If the child gets the right one, reward him/her with the Picture card. If the child chooses the wrong one, please do not blame him/her, just help him/her to find out the correct Picture Flashcard. If there are other children at home, can get them to compete with one another, this will make learning more fun.
2) Picture and word matching
Separate 5 each of the Word Flashcards and Picture cards, put the Picture cards in a sack or box, let the child draw a Picture card from it, then put the drawn Picture card beside the corresponding Word Flashcard.
3) Picture cards Fishing
Put on a paper clip on each of the Picture card, use a toy magnetic fishing rod to ‘fish’ the Picture cards. Parents will show a Word Flashcard, read out the word clearly, and then the child will ‘fish’ for the right Picture card form among the flashcards. This method trains both the hand and brain, and also coordination, improving the sensory integration..
4)Instant Memory
Put a few Picture cards and Word Flashcards on the table, give the child a few seconds to remember the positions of the flashcards, and then mess up the flashcards, let the child put the flashcards back to the original positions using his/her memory.
5) Who are missing?
Put a few Picture cards on the floor, let the child look at them for a few seconds, close his/her eyes after that. Parents will then remove 1 or 2 Picture cards, ask the child to open his/her eyes to find out who are missing (which cards are missing)? We can gradually increase the missing cards to train the memory of the child.
6.) Sentence making with Picture Flashcards and Word Flashcards
Parents will first demonstrate, making sentence with Picture cards and Word Flashcards, tell a story from there. Then let the child participate.. This will develop the child’s imaginary space, creativity and associative ability.
7.) Acting
If teaching words like ‘ jump ’,‘ cry ’… we can use exaggerated actions and expressions to explain the words, this will improve the child’s impression of the words learnt. We can even let them do the acting, for example children like to act as a teacher, we can then let them sit beside the ‘teacher’ Word Flashcard ….
More learning games can be created actually…
Learning games allow better development of children’s multiple intelligences. Because these Word Flashcards and Picture cards can be maneuvered and arranged randomly, this is different from the fixed pictures and words in a book.
Important things to note:
1. More rewards and praises, to achieve a win-win situation.
2. Do not punish and blame, if not it will cause a lose-lose situation.
3. Be consistent, do not work by fits and starts
Both the parents and child should enjoy the learning process, just like learning itself, is filled with joy.

*Do not put the Picture sticker at the same side of the Word Flash card, it has to be sticked at the back of it. If the Picture card and the Word Flashcard appear at the same side, children’s attention will be drawn to the picture, hence defeat the word learning purpose.






如何教宝宝 : 从游戏, 识字 到阅读






其實閱讀是什麼意思呢? 如果閱讀的目的是讀出聲音的話,Phonics無疑是最好的方法。如果是閱讀並理解的話,是有一些更有效的方法的。


我會推薦家長在寶寶0-6歲期間使用Glenn Doman的方法教寶寶閱讀。我也鼓勵家長在教寶寶閱讀之餘使用其他早期教育的方法培育子女的多元智能,使他們能全面發展。
Glenn Doman教寶寶閱讀的方法

Glenn Doman教寶寶閱讀的方法,


我推薦寶寶主力用Glenn Doman的方法教寶寶閱讀的原因是這個方法的合理性及系統性。因為這個方法配合0-6歲寶寶的腦部發展特性,在寶寶最有學習能力及記憶力時輸入有用資訊,為寶寶閱讀書本做好充份的準備。





實行Glenn Doman方法一年的體驗















作者格連.杜曼(Glenn Doman )本身原本是治療腦傷的專家。他在面對眾多腦傷小朋友時用了各種的方法希望幫助他們。經過多年的實驗,他發現到很多原本腦傷的小朋友,在治療後不單陸續康服,更在三歲前就具備閱讀的能力而且變得非常優秀。這令他對小朋友的學習能力有新的認識。原來我們一直低估小朋友的潛能。正常的孩子只要受到適當的啟發,一定會有更好的成就。






最初時只使用五張字卡,以每張最多一秒的速度向寶寶展示並由父母大聲讀出。 第二天加入五張新卡,第三天再加五張,一直加至每天五組。以後維持每天25張卡。每組卡每天均看三次。每次至少相隔30分鐘。



































